Tips and tricks in website, webdesign, mobile application and SEO strategy

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Développement web

Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

Progressive Web Applications (PWA) are applications built using modern web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They offer a user experience similar to native apps, accessible through a web browser. PWAs stand out for their ability to work offline, send push notifications, and be installed on the home screen of mobile devices without needing to be downloaded from an app store.Advantages of PWAsImproved Performance: PWAs use advanced caching techniques to deliver fast loading times, even on slow or unreliable internet connections.Accessibility: Since they are accessed via a browser, PWAs can be used on any device with an internet connection and a compatible browser.User Engagement: Features like push notifications and adding to the home screen enhance user engagement.Reduced Development Costs: PWAs require a single code base, unlike native apps that need separate versions for different platforms (iOS, Android, etc.).Simplified Updates: PWA updates occur automatically when the web page is reloaded, without requiring user intervention.Key Features of PWAsService Workers: Enable PWAs to work offline by intercepting network requests and using cached versions of resources.Manifest JSON: A configuration file defining how the app should behave when installed on a device's home screen.HTTPS: PWAs require a secure connection to operate, ensuring user data security.ConclusionProgressive Web Applications are the future of web development, offering rich and immersive user experiences without the constraints of native apps. With their flexibility, performance, and accessibility, PWAs are an ideal solution for businesses looking to reach a broad audience while minimizing development costs and efforts.

2 min

Time and Materials vs Fixed Price : Which contract to choose for your development project?

When you start creating a web or mobile application, choosing the right type of contract is crucial. Will you opt for Control Mode or Package Mode? Each option has its own pros and cons, making the decision difficult. To make the best choice, it is important to consider several factors: the nature of your project, your budget, your deadlines and the level of control you want to exert on the development process.1. What is a Managed Contract?In Control mode, the web development agency charges based on the time spent by its developers on your project. This flexibility allows for increased control over the mission.The characteristics of a regulated service:- Invoicing by number of days worked: Developers are invoiced by the day, with possible adjustments according to the needs of the project.- Monitoring by weekly sprints: The project is divided into sprints, allowing regular visibility on progress.- Adaptability: If time is exceeded, additional days or simplifications may be considered.The benefits of collaborative governance:- High flexibility: Ideal for scalable projects.- Customer engagement: The customer is more engaged, fostering close collaboration.- Average Daily Rate (ADR): Defined upstream, with a dedicated team (developer, product designer, product owner).This mode is relevant when expectations are not yet well defined, requiring a short or medium term objective to guide the service provider.2. What is a package contract?In Package mode, the service provider undertakes to deliver a service on a specific date and at a fixed cost, with an obligation of result.The features of a package contract:- Fixed budget: A predefined cost at the beginning of the project.- Defined scope: A clear scope for development.- Final delivery date: Respect of deadlines, with possible penalties in case of delay.To ensure success, accurate specifications are essential. If unforeseen events occur, such as the addition of unexpected features, budgetary adjustments are required.Contingency management: In case of new requests, negotiations are necessary, contrary to the flexibility offered by the board.Choose between Régie and ForfaitYour choice will depend on the nature of your project and your expectations. If you have complete models and a stable perimeter, the package contract is recommended. On the other hand, if your budget and scope are likely to change, the management is more adapted.

5 min
Veille et définition

How long does it take to hack your password in 2024?

Hive Systems, a company specializing in computer security, has released its annual chart highlighting the time required to crack a password based on its length and complexity (lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, special characters).Passwords Shorter Than 8 Characters Are IneffectiveThe chart confirms a well-known fact in cybersecurity: short and simple passwords are easily hackable. For example, a password of 5 characters consisting only of lowercase letters can be hacked in just 2 minutes!For a Secure Password, Opt for ComplexityTo improve your password security, add complexity. According to the chart data, it would take about 479 years to crack a 9-character password combining lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and special characters.Hive Systems explains that their chart is based on a "black box" scenario where the hacker must start from scratch to decipher the password hash, showing the "worst case" or "maximum time required."Methodology UpdateThis year, the methodology has been updated. Previously, the hash used was MD5, but since this method is becoming less common, the chart now uses bcrypt, a more robust hash. This change has significantly increased the time required to hack a password, but this improvement might not last as computing power increases.How to Strengthen Your Account Security?Using a password manager is a simple method to generate and store robust and unique passwords for each account. Additionally, two-factor authentication apps can enhance your account protection. In a time of increasing cyberattacks, it's crucial not to neglect your account security.A Future Without Passwords?A promising new solution for securing accounts is the use of passkeys. This technology allows you to log in without a password and is already available for testing on Google, Microsoft, and WhatsApp.

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Stratégie digitale

New algorithm: Google accurately identifies fake reviews.

A recent algorithmic system assists Google in removing fake reviews. The Mountain View-based company announces it has developed, during the year 2022, a "new algorithm based on machine learning to more effectively identify fraudulent review patterns" on its Search and Maps platforms, where over 20 million contributions are added daily.According to a company blog post, in 2023, this new algorithm helped remove an additional 45% of fake reviews compared to the previous year, amounting to approximately 170 million reviews violating the terms of use. The company also reports having identified and eliminated over 12 million fake business profiles.Google states that while its moderation teams carefully monitor reviews, and their systems constantly detect any suspicious activity, this new algorithm enhances detection of both isolated cases and large-scale fraudulent campaigns. As an example, Google mentions having uncovered a network of scammers enticing users to post multiple reviews on specific listings in exchange for fictitious compensation. They then improved their algorithms to protect the hundreds of targeted businesses.To illustrate the effectiveness of this detection system, Google shares the following statistics for the past year:- 170 million reviews not complying with terms of use were blocked or removed (+45% compared to 2023).- 12 million fake business accounts were neutralized.- 14 million videos violating Google's terms of use were removed.- 123,000 businesses received temporary protection following the detection of suspicious activity.- 2 million attempts to take over Google Business Profile listings were thwarted.Google also reminds in its blog post having provided guidance on spotting fraudulent reviews, highlighting their negative impact on businesses, especially when inundated with fake reviews with very low ratings.In 2023, a study conducted by Partoo revealed that 76% of internet users were influenced by online reviews, and 46% avoided patronizing a business if its rating was below 3/5. Google remains the preferred platform for review consultation, with over 88% of respondents turning to this search engine first. For better control of customer reviews, you can use a dedicated solution allowing active moderation.

10 min

Eco-Design and Digital Sustainability: Our Commitment in Action

But what is eco-design and digital sustainability, and why are they so important in today's world?Eco-design involves integrating principles of environmental sustainability from the very beginning of a product or service's design phase. In the digital context, this means designing and developing websites, applications, and other digital solutions in a way that reduces their impact on the environment. This can include optimizing code to reduce energy consumption, using eco-friendly servers, and minimizing the resources needed to carry out online operations.Digital Sustainability: Preserving Our Planet in the Digital WorldDigital sustainability encompasses a wide range of practices aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of our online activities. This ranges from reducing energy consumption in data centers to recycling electronic devices at the end of their life. By adopting digital sustainability practices, we can help preserve the planet's natural resources and mitigate the harmful effects of our growing dependence on technology.Our Commitment: Acting for a Better FutureAt Hex Ground, we firmly believe that every action counts in building a better future for our planet. That's why we are committed to integrating eco-design practices into each of our projects, ensuring that our digital achievements are not only high-performing but also environmentally friendly.By adopting an eco-design approach and promoting digital sustainability, we hope to raise awareness among our clients and partners about the importance of these issues and encourage them to join us on our journey towards a more sustainable future.Join us in our commitment to a greener and more sustainable digital world. Together, we can make a difference.

4 min
Veille et définition

7 Common Phishing Scams to Watch Out For

Phishing, or phishing, is a practice aimed at deceiving users to fraudulently obtain their personal information by posing as legitimate entities. It is a highly prevalent form of cybercrime, with rapid growth according to research by Cloudflare, which analyzed a sample of 279 million email threats last year.To counter this threat, the Government has listed on its cybermalveillance.gouv platform the techniques most commonly used by scammers in their phishing campaigns. Here are seven examples of these strategies to be aware of to protect yourself:1. Fake order scam: Scammers persuade users that an order has been placed in their name and direct them to a fraudulent website to cancel the order, asking for their personal and banking information.2. Tax-themed phishing: Scammers pose as the tax administration, offering a refund or requesting personal information to settle an alleged tax dispute.3. Parcel delivery scams: Posing as delivery companies, scammers demand additional fees for parcel delivery and direct victims to deceptive websites to make payment.4. Fine phishing: Scammers use the identity of ANTAI or the service amendes.gouv to demand payment of a fine, redirecting victims to fraudulent sites to obtain their personal and banking information.5. Banking phishing: Scammers send fraudulent messages urging recipients to update their banking information under the guise of security, redirecting them to fake banking sites to obtain their data.6. Crit'Air sticker phishing: Capitalizing on the recent requirement to have a Crit'Air sticker, scammers direct victims to fake websites to obtain their personal and banking information under the pretext of ordering a sticker.7. Lottery scam: Posing as lottery companies, scammers promise significant winnings to obtain victims' personal information, redirecting them to fake notaries or lawyers to claim the alleged winnings.These strategies are constantly evolving, so it is essential to remain vigilant and wary of unsolicited requests for personal information.

10 min
Développement web

Custom Website Creation: WordPress, Laravel, and Webflow

WordPress: Simplified Versatility• Keywords: CMS, User-Friendly, Extensions, BloggingWordPress is a content management system (CMS) known for its simplicity and versatility. Ideal for beginners, it offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of extensions to customize your site. With a robust plugin ecosystem, WordPress excels in creating dynamic websites, particularly for blogs, news sites, and small businesses.Laravel: The Power of Customization• Keywords: PHP Framework, Web Development, Scalability, SecurityIf you're looking for absolute control over your site's structure, Laravel, a modern PHP framework, might be the ideal solution. It offers exceptional flexibility, elegant architecture, and advanced features for web development. Laravel excels in creating robust, scalable, and secure sites, suitable for businesses requiring custom functionalities.Webflow: The Elegance of Visual Design• Keywords: Responsive Design, Visual CMS, Animation, SpeedWebflow stands out with its visually focused design approach. It's a platform that allows for creating visually appealing websites with disarming ease. Perfect for designers and those with artistic sensibilities, Webflow offers a visual design experience, integrated CMS features, and optimization for fast loading.Conclusion: The Choice Depends on Your NeedsIn the world of custom website creation, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Choosing between WordPress, Laravel, and Webflow depends on your specific needs in terms of user-friendliness, customization, design, and features. Each of these technologies offers unique advantages, and it's crucial to consider your goals and technical skills.Ultimately, whether you opt for the versatile simplicity of WordPress, the power of customization with Laravel, or the elegance of visual design with Webflow, the key is to choose the solution that best fits your specific needs. Each of these technologies has its place in the web creation landscape, and the choice will depend on the unique vision you have for your custom website.

7 min
Stratégie digitale

Technical Optimization for Websites: Unlock the Power of Online Performance

In today's digital world, a website's performance is crucial for engaging visitors and ensuring increased visibility on search engines such as Google PageSpeed. At Hex Ground, we are excited to introduce our latest service, Technical Optimization, designed to propel your website to new heights of online success.Web Performance at the Core of Online Success:The loading speed of a website is a key factor that influences not only the user experience but also search engine rankings. Our Technical Optimization service tackles these aspects head-on, focusing on advanced strategies to speed up loading times, improve efficiency, and ensure optimal compatibility with mobile devices.Google PageSpeed and Lighthouse: Allies for Success:Our team of experts employs cutting-edge tools such as Google PageSpeed and Lighthouse to objectively assess your site's performance. These results serve as the foundation for our personalized approach, identifying specific areas that need improvement, whether it's optimizing images, strategically caching, or enhancing the overall site structure.Steps in Our Technical Optimization Process:1. Performance Audit:   Before diving into optimization, we conduct a comprehensive audit to evaluate your site's current performance. This step allows us to understand weaknesses and create a tailored strategy.2. Advanced Optimization:   Our team implements advanced techniques, targeting display speed, image compression, script minimization, and more. Each adjustment is carefully orchestrated to ensure tangible results.3. Custom Reports and Post-Optimization Monitoring:   Stay informed with detailed progress reports. Our post-optimization monitoring ensures your site maintains high performance, adapting our strategies to the constant changes in Google PageSpeed requirements.Measurable Results for Enhanced Visibility:By optimizing your website with Hex Ground, you're investing in a comprehensive strategy to improve your SEO ranking, reduce bounce rates, and increase user satisfaction. Transform your site today for a more promising online future.Contact us to learn more about our Technical Optimization service and discover how we can boost your website's performance.

9 min
UX Design

5 Web Design Trends to Anticipate in 2024

La dynamique de la conception de sites web évolue constamment, avec l'émergence de nouvelles tendances chaque année. Pour l'année 2024, voici les tendances qui devraient marquer le paysage du webdesign :Mode SombreLe mode sombre connaît une ascension rapide depuis quelques années. Il est désormais largement pris en charge par les navigateurs web et les applications mobiles. Cette option offre des avantages significatifs tels qu'une lisibilité améliorée, une réduction de la fatigue oculaire et une consommation d'énergie réduite.DégradésLes dégradés gagnent en popularité dans la conception de sites web, apportant une touche de sophistication et de modernité. Ils peuvent être utilisés de manière polyvalente pour créer des arrière-plans, des éléments de design ou des illustrations.Typographie AudacieuseLa typographie reste un élément crucial du design web, avec une prévision d'une utilisation plus audacieuse et créative en 2024. Les typographies manuscrites, rétro et expérimentales devraient particulièrement séduire.AccessibilitéL'accessibilité devient de plus en plus cruciale. Les sites web doivent être accessibles à tous, y compris les personnes en situation de handicap. En 2024, une attention accrue devrait être portée à l'accessibilité dans la conception des sites.Interaction InnovanteL'interaction demeure un élément clé de l'expérience utilisateur. En 2024, l'utilisation innovante d'animations, d'effets visuels et d'interfaces tactiles devrait être particulièrement en vogue.Ces tendances influenceront probablement la conception des sites web pendant de nombreuses années. Les entreprises souhaitant créer des sites web attrayants et performants doivent les intégrer à leur approche.Comment Intégrer ces Tendances :Pour mettre en œuvre ces tendances, les designers web doivent maîtriser les principes fondamentaux de la conception de sites et rester à l'affût des dernières technologies.Mode Sombre : Ajoutez-le à votre site web en utilisant une extension ou un plugin pour votre navigateur, ou créez votre propre mode sombre avec des CSS.Dégradés : Créez des dégradés avec des CSS ou des outils de conception graphique pour des arrière-plans, des éléments de design ou des illustrations.Typographie : Explorez des typographies gratuites et premium en ligne, ou créez la vôtre avec des outils de conception graphique.Accessibilité : Utilisez des ressources disponibles pour rendre votre site accessible, et envisagez de consulter un expert en accessibilité.Interaction : Intégrez de l'interaction avec des animations, des effets visuels ou des interfaces tactiles.En suivant ces conseils, vous pouvez concevoir un site web à la fois moderne et performant, en phase avec les tendances de l'année 2024.

5 min
Stratégie digitale

Hex Ground expands to new horizons with Threads

What to Expect from Our Presence on Threads1. Customized Solutions, Now at Your FingertipsOn Threads, we will continue to deliver tailor-made digital solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. Whether you are looking for a captivating website, an innovative mobile application, striking web design, or effective SEO optimization, our dedicated team is ready to turn your ideas into reality.2. Continuous EngagementThreads provides us with a platform to engage more closely with our community. We look forward to exchanging ideas with you, sharing our expertise, and learning how we can better serve you. Your ongoing success remains our absolute priority.3. Exploration of New OpportunitiesOur presence on Threads also allows us to explore new opportunities and stay at the forefront of emerging trends. This means you can rely on [Your Agency Name] to remain constantly updated with the latest technological advancements and industry best practices.Join Us on Threads Today!Explore this new journey with us on Threads. Discover how we can propel your online presence to new heights. We are eager to accompany you on this exciting step.

5 min
Site internet

The Crucial Importance of Keeping Your Website Up-to-Date in 2024

Introduction:In the ever-evolving digital age, online presence has become paramount for any business or organization seeking to thrive. In 2024, web competition has reached unprecedented heights, making it imperative to have a website that is up-to-date in terms of design, SEO-friendly performance, and security. This article will delve into why these three aspects are crucial for ensuring the success of a modern website.Design: Visual Impact on User ExperienceThe design of a website plays a crucial role in the first impression visitors have of your business. An appealing, modern, and intuitive design can capture users' attention and encourage them to explore further. In 2024, user expectations regarding design are high, and an outdated website can quickly drive visitors away in favor of more aesthetically pleasing competitors.SEO-Friendly Performance: The Foundation of Online VisibilityA website must be designed to be search engine-friendly (SEO-friendly). In 2024, search engine algorithms are increasingly sophisticated, favoring sites that provide an optimal user experience. A well-optimized site is more likely to rank at the top of search results, thereby increasing visibility and attracting qualified traffic.Security: Safeguarding Sensitive DataOnline security is a major concern, and users are becoming more apprehensive about the protection of their data. In 2024, websites need to incorporate robust security measures to guard against cyber threats, hacker attacks, and data breaches. A secure website inspires confidence in visitors and ensures the confidentiality of sensitive information.The Importance of Constant Updating: Adapting to Technological ChangesTechnology evolves rapidly, and trends in design, SEO, and security are in constant flux. An up-to-date website can adapt to these changes, remaining competitive and providing a modern user experience. Regular updates to content, features, and security protocols are essential to keeping pace with digital evolution.Conclusion:In 2024, a website is not just an online showcase but a strategic component for a business's success. An attractive design, SEO-friendly performance, and robust security are non-negotiable elements for maintaining a relevant and competitive online presence. Investing in the continuous updating of your website is imperative to ensuring an optimal user experience, maximizing online visibility, and guaranteeing data security.

10 min

Black Friday : -20% on all our web services!

Whether you are looking for a redesign of your website, the development of a custom application, or digital marketing services, this is the ideal time to realize your projects while making substantial savings. Take this opportunity to boost your online presence and improve the experience of your users, all at an exceptional price.How to benefit from this offer? It’s simple! To take advantage of the 20% discount, simply place an order between November 22, 2023 and December 15. You can contact us directly by email at or by phone at +33 6 42 93 92 88 to discuss your needs and receive a personalized quote. Do not forget to mention the promotional code "BLACKFRIDAY20" during your order to benefit from the discount.Why choose Hex Ground?At Hex Ground, we pride ourselves on our commitment to customer satisfaction and the quality of our services. Our experienced team is ready to meet any challenge to offer you innovative web solutions adapted to your specific needs.Do not miss this unique opportunity!Black Friday is the perfect time to invest in your online presence at a great price. Don’t wait any longer, contact us now and find out how Hex Ground can help you achieve your digital goals. We look forward to working with you and bringing your web projects to life. Happy Black Friday!

7 min
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